Warranty Information

TRC is proud to be the only company in the industry that provides a written warranty on every new and remanufactured sucker rod we sell. And, we stand behind our warranties.

To see our warranties and easy claim procedures, please browse the links below.

Remanufactured Product & Service Warranty
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#1 BLEM Sucker Rod Warranty
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MPACT Steel Sucker Rod Warranty
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New Fiberglass Rod Warranty
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Used Fiberglass Product & Service Warranty
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All other warranties for products sold by TRC shall be governed by the terms of the warranty provided by the original equipment manufacturer, if applicable.

Claim Procedures

Our goal is to help you reduce or eliminate sucker rod failures.

But, if you encounter one, TRC wants to make the resolution process the best you will ever experience. If you have any problem or concern regarding a product or service you purchased from TRC, immediately contact our office or your TRC representative. We cannot fix it if we do not know about it. In the event of a rod failure, please do not clean the parts.

New Rods

The Stamped upset with the heat code and date of manufacture.

Body Failures

A minimum of one foot on both sides of the break.

Pin Failures

The upset end with the broken pin and mating coupling, or the pin end with the galled threads and the mating coupling.

COupling Failures

Both halves and the whole coupling.

Claim Procedure:

Please identify each part with a tag that includes your company name, the lease name and number, and the number of rods from surface to failure.

We will need all of the above plus the information contained in our Claim Form before we can determine the root cause of the failure.

Once you have secured and tagged the parts above, please contact us and we will arrange to have them picked up for our analysis.

It will be helpful in speeding up the claim process if you have our Claims Form complete at the time of pick up since we cannot begin the investigation process until we have that information.

Click on the button below to download our Claims Form and email it to when completed.

Download Claims Form